Moving to Copenhagen

To foreigners, doing a PhD at the University of Copenhagen means relocating to Denmark and bringing a number of of practicalities in order. For instance you will need to get a residence permit, a Danish civil registration number (ID number), a bank account and health insurance. You will probably also need to sort out questions about your taxes.

International Staff Mobility

International Staff Mobility is a unit at the University of Copenhagen charged with helping foreign employees who are relocating to Copenhagen, including employees who bring their families. On their website you will find useful information about the formalities to which you need to pay attention when moving to Copenhagen:

You can also check out to search an extensive directory of addresses for your every need. There are practical guides and links for those of you who are settling down in Denmark. is updated daily with lots of information about Copenhagen and you can sign up for their newsletter with more detailed information about various offers to expat and about what’s going on in and around Copenhagen.

And you can join arranging lots of fun events.

Immigration service

The authority to contact for questions concerning residence and work permit is the Danish Immigration Service. You will find further information on:

Bring money for the first month of your stay

It is essential to note that you can not expect your first salary to go through straight away. Therefore, you should always bring with you money to live on for one month. The amount which you would need to support one person for one month in Copenhagen would be at least DKK 6-7000 (between 835 euro and 940 euro).