Complaints and exemptions

Decisions made by the University of Copenhagen pursuant to the PhD order may be referred to the Danish University and Property Agency if the complaint concerns legal issues, e.i. the University's formal handling of the case.

Complaints must be submitted within two weeks of the complainant having been informed of the decision. The complaint must be submitted to the faculty which will issue an opinion. The complainant must be given the opportunity to comment on this opinion within a deadline of one week. The Rector will then send the complaint to the Danish University and Property Agency, enclosing the faculty's opinion and any comments on the opinion by the complainant. 

In special cases, the Dean may grant exemptions from the rules laid down by the University of Copenhagen alone. The Danish University and Property Agency may, in special cases, grant an exemption from the PhD order. Subject to agreement with the Rector, the Dean may also establish general deviations from rules laid down by the University of Copenhagen alone, if unusual circumstances apply to the faculty in question. 

Complaints concerning decisions made by the head of the PhD school or by the PhD Study Board which do not concern legal issues may be referred to the Dean. Such complaints must be submitted within two weeks of the complainant having been informed of the decision. All complaints must be submitted in writing and be reasoned.