
The PhD student takes on a range of duties, e.g. teaching of bachelor and master's students, work as a research assistant, assisting in correcting papers or other tasks.

PhD students receiving pay from the University

The pay of the PhD student's compulsory 840 working hours in the course of the 3-year study programme is included in the overall pay of the student. It is possible to apply for a reduction in the amount of working hours, but this will result in an equivalent reduction in pay.

PhD students at the University can not enjoy simultaneous employment as a part-time lecturer or an assistant lecturer at the University.

PhD students who are under the State Education Grant and Loan Scheme in Denmark

In accordance with the Danish State Education Grant and Loan Scheme Act (Danish acronym: SU), PhD students in the 4+4 study programme who receive a grant are to be offered a minimum of 150 working hours per year during the course the first two years of their employment Link to Danish legal text "Overenskomst for akademikere i staten" (bilag 5b)