Martin Møller Boje Rasmussen

Political Science


This TLHE project shows and summarize how the 3-week module ”Fra velfærdsstat til konkurrencestat” (which constitutes an element in the course ”Samfundsfag: Profession og Praksis” currently being offered by department of Political Science, UCPH) could be further developed and expanded as an independent, stand-alone masters course. In particular, the new course is proposed restructured with a special focus on the increasing need to integrate various forms of (peer) feedback systematically and progressively throughout the course (Gibbs and Simpson 2004, Boud 2010, Nicol 2014) as well as the need to increase the degree of so-called “authenticity” (i.e. labor market relevance) of UCPH-courses. To this end the term “authentic feedback” is deployed and operationalized by and through various kinds of integrated learning and feedback activities involving external stakeholders.

Furthermore the project a.o. discuss how and in what particular way the proposed course can be said to constitute a case of ”research-based teaching.” (Damsholt 2018; Healey og Jenkins 2009). In particular the course adopts what Healey and Jenkins refers to as a research-led and research-oriented approach to research-based teaching and moreover invokes the ideas of ”practice-informed” and ”practice-based” teaching to emphasize, how the course prepares and teaches students to produce various types of (nonscientific) knowledge in accordance with standards and practices in the wider society and other political knowledge-producing organizations (such as e.g. public ministries lobby groups, think tanks etc.) which “inhabits” the modern competition state. (Rasmussen 2015, Campbell and Pedersen 2014)