The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences

The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme (Universitetspædagogikum) is the compulsory teacher training programme for assistant professors and postdocs in order to attain appointment as associate professors. The aim is to qualify the participants to meet the requirements for the teaching aspect of an associate professorship in a time-effective manner. The programme consists of training days, preparatory tasks, reading, supervision, projects and a portfolio. The program is completed in approximately 200 hours.

Course description, curriculum and regulations

The course description for the 2025 programme is available here. 

The regulations for the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences are available her

Registration for the programme

Dates for the TLHE programme 2026 will be available in June


Please make sure that you are available on all of these dates in 2025 if your wish to participate in the programme

Thursday 30/1 

Wednesday + Thursday 5+6/3

Wednesday 19/3

Wednesday 2/4

Wednesday 30/4

Wednesday 14/5

Wednesday 17/9

Wednesday 1/10

Wednesday 12/11

Wednesday 10/12