Frequently asked questions 


Do I need to find a supervisor before submitting my application ?

No, you do not need to find a supervisor before you submit an application. If you receive a scholarship, the Faculty will help you determine who should be your supervisor.

Can you direct me to a professor who can read and comment on my project proposal ?

You are free to send an email to the academic staff, but we have to warn you that most of them are too busy to offer individual advice. Most departments receive so many requests from candidates that they don't have the resources to provide such a service.

Can I apply for a scholarship before I have finished my MA degree ?

Yes, you can apply and enclose copies of all diplomas and transcripts of grades obtained so far. However, you must have finished your degree on the day you begin your PhD studies.

Do I need to include documentation of language skills?

You are always welcome to include documentation you believe supports your application, but it is only mandatory to include documentation of language skills if it says so in the advertisement.

Do I have to enclose references/letters of recommendation?

You are always welcome to include documentation you believe supports your application, but it is only mandatory to include letters of reference/letters of recommendation if it says so in the advertisement.

How do I know if my foreign degree makes me eligible for the 5+3 or the 4+4 programme?

It is not possible to get a pre-assessment of your qualifications to know which programme you would qualify for. This will be determined on the basis of your full application. So you should upload copies of all relevant diplomas with your application, perhaps with a short explanatory note about your studies and their duration, and an indication of which study programme(s) you would be interested in.

What should I include in the project description?

An account of the research questions you will pursue, what theory and methodology you will adopt, and how this adds to existing research. You should also include a preliminary bibliography. It is recommended to keep the project description within 12,000 keystrokes (including spaces, not including bibliography). Before sending the electronic application we recommend you read the information about enclosures to include with your electronic application. You can also check an example of the budget to include with the application.

Can non-Danish citizens apply?

Yes, anyone can apply regardless of their citizenship. You can check current advertisements of PhD scholarships on the website of Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences You will also find the advertisements on the general job portal of UCPH.

What are requirements concerning language skills?

You can do the PhD in Danish or English. Obviously you will need a very strong command of the English language, if you wish to do the PhD in English, but there are no specified requirements for applicants. Instead the assessment committee will make an overall assessment of your application and your qualifications, including your language skills, on the basis of all the documentation you send.

Can I get a pre-approval of my project?

We do not normally send applications from persons with external funding for assessment at the department before we have documentation of the external funding. And we do not normally pre-approve projects for which applicants subsequently apply for external funding.

What must I include in the study plan?

The preliminary and indicative study plan is a brief outline of the anticipated study/research activities. In the study plan you need to indicate, for each semester, the key activities you expect to undertake.The plan may include: writing up the thesis, going abroad for a research stay at a foreign institution, taking required and preferred PhD courses, fieldwork, participating in conferences, and so on. For obvious reasons you cannot know everything at the time of the application, and many things are likely to be adjusted in practice at a later stage 

My diploma is not in Danish/from a Danish university. Do I need to get the diploma translated, and will it be accepted as equivalent to a Danish degree?

The Faculty accepts diplomas in Scandinavian languages and English. If the diploma is in a different language you will need to include an authorized translation with your application, which means it has to be verified by the issuing institution or another official authority. As far as assessing your qualifications goes you should upload copies of all relevant diplomas with your application, perhaps with a short explanatory note about your studies and their duration and award of ECTS credits. The assessment committee will then assess your qualifications and check with the Ministry to verify which Danish degree you diploma(s) would equal.

Do  I have to live in the Copenhagen area if I get a scholarship?

Yes, if you receive a scholarship, you will be employed by the University of Copenhagen. You will get an office space and be part of the research environment of the department at which you are enrolled. You will also do some teaching, help arrange seminars etc. You may go on field work or take study trips abroad, but your main location is at the department in Copenhagen.


What does the scholarship include?

The scholarship includes tuition and a salary. The exact amount of the salary is based on an agreement with the union and also on seniority.

Can I study for a PhD degree if I don't get a scholarship?

No, not unless you receive funding from another source that can cover the tuition fee as well as your salary/living expenses. You can read about applying with external funding on the website of Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences

If I get a scholarship, does that mean my financial estimate is approved, and that this is the money I will have at my disposal?

No, the scholarship is a fixed financial framework, so your funding does not depend on the submitted budget. We ask you to submit a financial estimate to give the department an idea of the costs involved, and whether your project is financially feasible.

What do I need to include in the budget?

Normal expenses for field work, studies abroad, conferences and equipment are covered by the scholarship, so what you should indicate are extra/particular expenses for field work/equipment etc. You should NOT include living expenses, accommodation, food, office equipment or books.

Can I have a second job/sideline job while doing my PhD?

Normally, it will not be possible. The PhD studies are considered a full time study program, which does not leave room for other employment or sideline jobs. For the same reason it is normally not possible to apply for part time enrolment or part time employment as a PhD student.